Remede System

In search of better sleep?
Discover the remedē® System


remedē® System

If restless nights are disrupting your days, it may be time to consider the remedē System—the first and only FDA-approved non-mask therapy designed to treat moderate to severe central sleep apnea (CSA) in adults.

What is Central Sleep Apnea (CSA)?

Most people associate “sleep apnea” with a specific sleep disorder called Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). People with OSA often snore and have difficulty breathing well during the night because the upper airway is partially or completely blocked. People with CSA have irregular breathing during the night because the brain fails to communicate properly with the diaphragm.

Central Sleep Apnea CSA

What Does CSA Look Like?

Untreated CSA causes a disrupted breathing pattern:

What does CSA look like?

What Does CSA Feel Like?

Untreated CSA can lead to a number of symptoms that can disrupt your nights and your days.

What CSA Feels Like

Why Treat CSA?

Because CSA causes symptoms similar to those of obstructive sleep apnea, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and other medical conditions, it can be difficult for people to know whether their feelings of poor health are due to CSA or other serious conditions.

Additionally, CSA is common among people with heart disease, especially heart failure and atrial fibrillation.

Over the long-term, untreated CSA results in low oxygen levels, which are linked to high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythm, heart attack, and even death.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Discover the remedē® System

remede system sleep apneaIf restless nights are disrupting your days, it may be time to consider the remedē System—the first and only FDA-approved non-mask therapy designed to treat moderate to severe central sleep apnea in adults.


remedē is a small, implantable device that activates automatically and restores a more normal breathing pattern—enabling you to treat your CSA without a mask or medications. remedē is designed to help you rest easy, sleep peacefully— and have more energy for what you love.

How It Works

The remedē System automatically turns on and stimulates the diaphragm to restore breathing in the same way the brain does.


remedē is a small, implantable device that activates automatically and restores a more normal breathing pattern—enabling you to treat your CSA without a mask or medications. remedē is designed to help you rest easy, sleep peacefully— and have more energy for what you love.


78% of patients reported improved quality
of life using the Patient
Global Assessment


96% reduction in Central Apnea
Index at 1 year


95% of patients said they would elect to have the medical procedure again

5 years

Improvements in sleep disordered breathing and quality sustained out to 5 years

Sleep Apnea Device

Getting The remedē System

Before remede System

1. Before getting your remedē System

Your doctor may order a sleep study to help determine whether you have central sleep apnea and if you’re a good candidate for the remedē System.

Day of Procedure

2. On the day of your procedure

Your doctor will place your system under the skin in your upper chest area. Most people who receive the remedē System stay overnight in the hospital and go home the next day. You will be able to get back to most of your daily routine within a week.

3 Months Therapy

3. Over the first three months of therapy

You will work with your doctor to customize the therapy for your individual needs to ensure that you receive optimal treatment for your central sleep apnea.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if the remedē System is right for me?

The remedē System is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat moderate to severe central sleep apnea (CSA) in adults. To determine the type and severity of sleep apnea you have, and whether remedē is right for you, talk to your doctor. Please note that the remedē System should not be placed if an active infection is present.

Is the remedē System covered by insurance?

The remedē System is being covered by an increasing number of insurance plans, but every insurance plan is different. Your medical team will work with you, your hospital, and your insurance company to assess whether the remedē System will be covered by insurance.

What if I already have a pacemaker or other cardiac device?

Because most pacemakers and cardiac devices are usually implanted on the left side of the chest, it may still be possible to receive the remedē System, which can be implanted on either side of the chest.

Sleep Device Testimonial